Install Firmware


The BlueROV used in this class runs the PX4 firmware. For the class we have created a fork of the firmware, please follow the instructions to install it. Most likely you will not get in touch with any of the firmware source code, but still you need to clone and install the corresponding repositories to complete this setup guide.

Set Up The Workspace

By now your directory structure should look like this if you followed the previous ROS installation section:

└── catkin_ws
    ├── build
    ├── devel
    ├── logs
    └── src
  1. Clone the Firmware

    $ cd ~/fav && git clone --recursive
  2. Clone MAVLink

    $ git clone ~/fav/catkin_ws/src/mavlink
  3. Clone mavros

    $ git clone ~/fav/catkin_ws/src/mavros
  4. Use rosdep to resolve dependencies

    cd ~/fav/catkin_ws && rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
  5. Install GeographicLib dataset

    $ sudo ./src/mavros/mavros/scripts/
  6. Install xmlstarlet and python3-pip

    $ sudo apt install xmlstarlet python3-pip
  7. Install additional dependencies

    $ sudo apt install libignition-rendering3

Now your directory structure should look similiar to:

├── catkin_ws
│   ├── build
│   ├── devel
│   ├── logs
│   └── src
│       ├── mavlink
│       └── mavros
│       └── bluerov_sim
└── PX4-Autopilot

Build The Catkin Workspace

  1. Switch into your catkin_ws

    $ cd ~/fav/catkin_ws
  2. Build the code

    $ catkin build

Update Gazebo Installation

You might get a build error similar to

make[2]: *** No rule to make target '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/', needed by '/home/hippo/fav/catkin_ws/devel/.private/bluerov_sim/lib/'.  Stop.
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
In file included from /home/hippo/fav/catkin_ws/src/bluerov_sim/include/gazebo_range_sensor_plugin.h:6,
              from /home/hippo/fav/catkin_ws/src/bluerov_sim/plugins/gazebo_range_sensor_plugin.cpp:1:
/usr/include/gazebo-11/gazebo/common/Plugin.hh:33:10: fatal error: sdf/sdf.hh: No such file or directory
   33 | #include <sdf/sdf.hh>
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.

To fix this, uninstall Gazebo

$ sudo apt remove gazebo11 ros-noetic-gazebo-*

And reinstall

$ sudo apt install gazebo11 ros-noetic-gazebo-*

Build The PX4 Firmware

  1. Switch into your PX4-Autopilot directory

    $ cd ~/fav/PX4-Autopilot
  2. Set up dependencies

    $ bash ./Tools/setup/ --no-nuttx
  3. Build the code

    $ DONT_RUN=1 make -j1 px4_sitl gazebo_uuv_bluerov2_heavy


    In some cases the make command might fail. You might have to execute this again (just once is enough):

    $ sudo apt install libignition-rendering3

    The make command might also fail with an internal compiler error. This happens if the build process needs more RAM than is available. Just repeat the build command a few times until it succeeds.

Configure Environment Variables

  1. Switch into your fav directory

    $ cd ~/fav
  2. Edit your ~/.zshrc by executing the following commands

    $ echo "source $(pwd)/PX4-Autopilot/Tools/setup_gazebo.zsh $(pwd)/PX4-Autopilot $(pwd)/PX4-Autopilot/build/px4_sitl_default > /dev/null" >> ~/.zshrc
    echo "export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=\$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:$(pwd)/PX4-Autopilot" >> ~/.zshrc
    echo "export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=\$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:$(pwd)/PX4-Autopilot/Tools/sitl_gazebo" >> ~/.zshrc
  3. Apply the changes of ~/.zshrc

    $ source ~/.zshrc

Test Your Setup


Make sure all packages are upgraded by running

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

At this point you can check that your setup is functional by launching the simulation:

$ roslaunch px4 mavros_posix_sitl.launch vehicle:=uuv_bluerov2_heavy world:=$HOME/fav/PX4-Autopilot/Tools/sitl_gazebo/worlds/

After a few seconds something similiar to the following screenshot should appear:


You can quit the program by hitting Ctrl + C in the terminal you have started it. It will take a few seconds to stop all the running processes.


Closing the Gazebo GUI will only close the Gazebo GUI. All the other started processes will continue running. So please use the above mentioned shortcut to kill them.