19.3.2. Using Formatters


For Python code we use yapf as formatter with these settings:

based_on_style = pep8
column_limit = 80

The default .style.yapf yapf style file can be found on GitHub Gist or directly downloaded in your current directory by executing:

wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/lennartalff/42dc02ee01ced47bfb0f75d715e5dcf9/raw/da9d31abbf27d1d71b24a25dbe1c840506a17bfb/.style.yapf


The downloaded file is named .style.yapf and is therefore hidden. To show up in command line use ls -a or hit Ctrl + H in your GUI filebrowser.

To run yapf via the commandline and show the differences on formatting it suggests enter your project’s directory and enter:

yapf --diff --recursive .

If no output shows up this means all the Python files are already formatted according to the style settings in .style.yapf.

To apply changes on all files run:

yapf -i --recursive .


A more detailed description on how to use yapf can be found in its README.