2.5. PX4 Setup
PX4 is currently used for the real robot exclusively and is not part of the simulation. Skip this section if you are not preparing for the lab experiments. If in doubt ask your supervisor.
2.5.1. Building the Firmware
If PX4 is used in combination with the onboard computer, make sure the firmware running on the FCU was built with RTPS support.
A tested PX4-Version is the commit 45b390b0bf
$ git clone https://github.com/PX4/PX4-Autopilot.git \
&& cd PX4-Autopilot \
&& git checkout 45b390b0bf \
&& git submodule update --init --recursive
For this version the RTPS support is not enabled by default for the fmu-v4
target (i.e. the PixRacer). One has to modify the file boards/px4/fmu-v4/default.px4board
and add the line
Also modify the autostart-line in src/modules/microdds_client/module.yaml
if you want to have a namespace prepended to the topic names
set XRCE_DDS_ARGS "-t serial -d ${SERIAL_DEV} -b p:${BAUD_PARAM} -n uuv00"
Also a good starting point for a minimal set of bridged topics defined in src/modules/microdds_client/dds_topics.yaml
3 - topic: /fmu/out/failsafe_flags
4 type: px4_msgs::msg::FailsafeFlags
6 - topic: /fmu/out/sensor_combined
7 type: px4_msgs::msg::SensorCombined
9 - topic: /fmu/out/timesync_status
10 type: px4_msgs::msg::TimesyncStatus
12 - topic: /fmu/out/vehicle_odometry
13 type: px4_msgs::msg::VehicleOdometry
17 - topic: /fmu/in/vehicle_visual_odometry
18 type: px4_msgs::msg::VehicleOdometry
Build the firmware
make px4_fmu-v4
./Tools/docker_run.sh 'make px4_fmu-v4'
make px4_fmu-v6c
./Tools/docker_run.sh 'make px4_fmu-v6c'
Normally, the microdds_client
is started automatically, and no further actions are required. Anyhow, to manually start the microdds_client
, go to the nsh
terminal and run
$ microdds_client start -t serial -d /dev/ttyS2 -b 921600 -n uuv00
2.5.2. Configure the Firmware
Make sure you disable the GPS completely by changing its control mode parameter. Otherwise the the vision will be taken as odometry data instead of absolute positions.
, i.e. 102
. If you want to, you can change the baudrate of TELEM2 at SER_TEL2_BAUD
. But the default of 921600 should be just fine.
Make sure you disable all MAVLink interfaces on TELEM2
2.5.3. Install px4_msgs
Building and rebuilding px4_msgs
takes very long, especially on the Raspberry Pi. Therefore, it is recommended to have an underlying workspace for packages that we are not modifying regularly.
A commit that is tested to be working with the above-mentioned version of PX4 is 8a7f3da
Clone it into the ROS workspace
$ git clone https://github.com/PX4/px4_msgs.git \
&& cd px4_msgs \
&& checkout 8a7f3da
2.5.4. Install Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent
Clone and build the agent
$ cd ~/ros2_underlay/src \
&& git clone https://github.com/eProsima/Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent.git \
&& build_underlay
2.5.5. Running the Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent
Replace device and baudrate with the correct values.
$ MicroXRCEAgent serial --dev /dev/fcu_data -b 921600
If the setup is working, ros2 topic list
should show the FMUs in and out topics.
/uuv00/fmu/in/obstacle_distance [px4_msgs/msg/ObstacleDistance]
/uuv00/fmu/in/offboard_control_mode [px4_msgs/msg/OffboardControlMode]
/uuv00/fmu/in/onboard_computer_status [px4_msgs/msg/OnboardComputerStatus]
/uuv00/fmu/in/sensor_optical_flow [px4_msgs/msg/SensorOpticalFlow]
/uuv00/fmu/in/telemetry_status [px4_msgs/msg/TelemetryStatus]
/uuv00/fmu/in/trajectory_setpoint [px4_msgs/msg/TrajectorySetpoint]
/uuv00/fmu/in/vehicle_attitude_setpoint [px4_msgs/msg/VehicleAttitudeSetpoint]
/uuv00/fmu/in/vehicle_command [px4_msgs/msg/VehicleCommand]
/uuv00/fmu/in/vehicle_mocap_odometry [px4_msgs/msg/VehicleOdometry]
/uuv00/fmu/in/vehicle_rates_setpoint [px4_msgs/msg/VehicleRatesSetpoint]
/uuv00/fmu/in/vehicle_trajectory_bezier [px4_msgs/msg/VehicleTrajectoryBezier]
/uuv00/fmu/in/vehicle_trajectory_waypoint [px4_msgs/msg/VehicleTrajectoryWaypoint]
/uuv00/fmu/in/vehicle_visual_odometry [px4_msgs/msg/VehicleOdometry]
/uuv00/fmu/out/failsafe_flags [px4_msgs/msg/FailsafeFlags]
/uuv00/fmu/out/sensor_combined [px4_msgs/msg/SensorCombined]
/uuv00/fmu/out/timesync_status [px4_msgs/msg/TimesyncStatus]
/uuv00/fmu/out/vehicle_attitude [px4_msgs/msg/VehicleAttitude]
/uuv00/fmu/out/vehicle_control_mode [px4_msgs/msg/VehicleControlMode]
/uuv00/fmu/out/vehicle_local_position [px4_msgs/msg/VehicleLocalPosition]
/uuv00/fmu/out/vehicle_odometry [px4_msgs/msg/VehicleOdometry]
/uuv00/fmu/out/vehicle_status [px4_msgs/msg/VehicleStatus]
2.5.6. MAVLink Router
Nice to use QGroundcontrol for settings parameters and calibrating sensors. Otherwise, QGC will be probably not used at all.
$ git clone https://github.com/mavlink-router/mavlink-router.git \
&& cd mavlink-router \
&& git checkout 3b48da1
Build and install the code following the official instructions.
The configuration file is at /etc/mavlink-router/main.conf
and can contain the following:
[UartEndpoint USB]
# Path to UART device. like `/dev/ttyS0`
# Mandatory, no default value
Device =/dev/ttyACM0
Baud = 921600
[UdpEndpoint lennart]
Mode = normal
Address =
Port = 14550
You can add or change the UDP endpoint to match your requirements.
Run the router via
$ mavlink-routerd
Maybe one needs to add a connection manually in QGroundControl (Application settings -> comm links).