14. Acoustic Modems

14.1. Time definitions




Poll duration


Propagation delay (travel time of poll)


Processing delay receiver (process poll, generate response and switch from receiving to transmission mode)


Response duration


Measured two-way-ranging time, with \(T_\text{TWR} = t_\text{r} - t'_\text{p}\)


Time of flight (TOF), with \(\tau = \frac{T_\text{TWR} - T_\text{wp}}{2} = \frac{\tau_\text{p} + \tau_\text{r}}{2}\)


Processing delay agent


Travel time of response

Broadcast algorithm: Single broadcast poll packet from agent, which is received by all anchors. Responses are transmitted sequentially, implemented e.g. by using different \(T_{\text{wp},i}\) for each anchor \(i\). Unique offset \(T_{\text{wp},i}\) is called ranging delay.

Alternating algorithm: Send individual poll to each anchor